Our daily commitment is not limited to the creation of unique materials for our customers, but also to the protection of our innovation in the presentation and substantial communication of the product.
This commitment has been acknowledged and protected by the Court of Treviso which has commissioned Guardia di Finanza to seize and block the site of a Chinese manufacturer which took over the innovative features developed on Mazzucchelli site. In particular, it is important to note that Mazzucchelli has obtained effective protection for its registered designs (EU No. 3316454-0001/5) - relating to the layout of its website – and three-dimensional trademark (EU No. 15704406) – relating to a distinctive chip with which the samples of its materials are identified.
A still provisional measure that effectively protects originality and investments of the made in Italy and that sounds like an effective warning towards the spread of similar counterfeiting initiatives.
This intervention is an indirect confirmation of the importance of registration in the protection of new forms of industrial property (non-traditional brands, website design, ...) even through criminal law, which - although not dealing with competition between companies - strongly defends the public relying on brands and genuine designs.
Here below you may find the image that appears when trying to access the site of the aforementioned Chinese competitor, as a site subject to seizure. On some browsers the access is totally denied.